Saturday, 26 April 2008

Song suggestions wanted for this blog...

If you fancy listening to some music whilst reading this blog I've added this clever application at the very bottom of this page which allows you to listen to some music as chosen by yours truly.

So far I've added;

STAY by Lisa Loeb
RAINDROPS by Ben Folds Five
ANYWAY by Dynamite Hack

I've also added some others as suggested by readers of the blog. If you fancy making a suggestion then Click here to leave your song suggestion(s) and comments They can be funny, serious, ironic or otherwise.


Anonymous said...

I strongly suggest Rock The Boat by The Hues Corporation, Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon & Garfunkel or Stuck in The Middle by Steelers Wheel! x


Hey anything's cool, I'd love some music on my blog but haven't got around to it yet
Good luck as ever with all the prep

Anonymous said...

After the latest training session, i would suggest
the end - the doors
the final countdown - europe
good day for dying - escobar
and my personal favourite:
Can't Stand Losing You - The police